Rhonda K

After a bad childhood & no family; I lacked a huge concern for others. With no hope, I came to VCU as a lost freshman. Little did I know, my life would be changed forever by my advisor. Mrs. K. came into my life in August 2004 and I quickly bonded with her. I felt I could trust her, something not normal for me. Along the way she encouraged me, inspired me, and demonstrated humility. She knew I had no family, so she tried to be there as much as possible. Even when I was hard-headed, she was still patient and optimistic for me; always believing in me. I never understood why. She taught me respect, responsibility, and integrity all while showing me it was possible to believe in others. Mrs. K. helped me to rebuild my character just by being an example. It wasn't money or material possessions she sacrificed, but it was her time and dedication. She now lives in NC, but still calls and emails as promised. The biggest lesson: it is possible to believe in others, I am worthy, & she cares. This is a true hero to me; someone who demonstrates values to shape the lives of others. Thanks for believing in me, Mrs. K.

Submitted by Anonymous

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Your Comments
Bob M. from New York MAY 27, 2009
I love this story. A giving heart and a giving hand is a great act.

John L. from Toronto, Canada AUGUST 27, 2008
This "Mystery" is easy to explain: love multiplies!

Lily R. C from General Santos City, Phils. DECEMBER 7, 2007
Great story I will use this as a sermon illustration.

Kirby from California NOVEMBER 23, 2007
It is amazing how one act of kindness sparks another and so on. Imagine how your simple act of handing a Kleenex to the kid who was crying would eventually reach someone on the other side of the world. Kindness is what connects us all together.

Sarah T. from Hong Kong OCTOBER 7, 2007
A simple but touching story.

Daisie CHY from Singapore SEPTEMBER 20, 2007
I am inspired by this story. It is so simple an act and yet so powerful an impact. I will do it for others as I journey on in life.

Nkechi U. from Abuja, Nigeria SEPTEMBER 15, 2007
It's always good to know that there are still people this caring; some other people would have decided to keep those clothes for the inhertance of their children. Life's not all about your material possessions, but how well you can make others happy while on earth. He an emblem of that.

CS from Delhi, India JULY 24, 2007
It's truly encouraging, and inspiring. It's nice to see a deserving person being helped, it shows that courage reaps rich rewards.

Dermot H from London JULY 10, 2007
I'm using this for a school assembly to 210 14 year olds. I think they will appreciate it.

Anonymous JUNE 12, 2007
Really good story helped my for school for English!

Luna A. S. from Polomolok, Philippines MAY 29, 2007
Yes! A giving heart and a giving hand is a great act of kindness. Kindness is contagious..it spreads in everyone's heart. Thank you for your inspiring story.

MC from Mumbai, India MAY 19, 2007
Really true and helpful for the person who is in need. Nothing can be worth more than a small but a needy act.

Lorie from Fowlerville, MI MAY 10, 2007
I love this story. It is so true that passing on a helping hand benefits the giver as much or more than the receiver.

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